
We’ve all heard it many times before: Being a parent right now is exponentially harder than it was for generations previous.

Navigating parenting for Millennials is full of worry, wormholes and stress, whether you are a working parent or you stay at home. It feels like we’re walking the line of knowing everything and nothing at all.

This blog started out when Mary, a professional Occupational Therapist had her first child. Despite her graduate education and years of treating kids, actual parenting was still a maze.

For Patti, infertility was a big obstacle until she had her twins. Then, it became the challenge of parenting two kids at once while still working.

We would meet up every week or so and try to figure out if we were doing this thing right. We’d share what we read, compare how our parents did it, and try to make the best decisions we could as went along.

That has become our main focus for Child(ish) Advice. We want to help our Millennial parent peers learn more about the science of child development, why kids do really weird things, and how to make information-based choices that work for your family.

We hope Child(ish) Advice will give you some good ideas and much needed assurance that you are doing a great job as a parent.

Any information read or acted upon that is found in part or in entirety on this blog is purely suggestion. Statements or activities on this blog are not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. Child(ish) Advice is not a medical resource, nor do we diagnose or provide personal treatment directly on this platform. This blog does not replace professional therapy or a professional therapist. Always consult your personal physician or Occupational Therapist for specific medical advice.

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