Playdate Behavior

Based on our Playdate Reviews, you know that Mary and I have been doing bi-monthly playdates with our kids for over a year now since they’ve been in the school-age stage. But for the last couple big playdates, I started seeing some patterns.

I feel like what we are seeing is probably similar behavior to what you’ve seen when kids are in groups: talking over each other, getting louder in volume, fighting for attention and showing off, getting jealous, making rash decisions, and going apesh*t when the playdate ends.

At the end of these playdates, I’ve felt like I had to incessantly apologize and abort mission on more than occasion. Baby and toddler playdates are going to have a different vibe, obviously. We are far from the time when we could’ve just hung out with wine while the kids did whatever.

That is not to say that all playdates are like this. I look forward to picking and planning these outings and our kids very much see each other as best friends. So let’s talk about the ups and downs of playdate behavior and what Mary and I have done to stay cool.

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Our Splatter Studio Playdate Review

Coming back inside for our February Playdate Review. By now, I’m sure our kids are wondering why we keep taking them on all these surprise trips.

Quick review: The playdates need to be a something new that the kids have never done before. They need to be a more-involved playdate activity and have a combination of cognitive/motor/social skills and sensory integration. While I’m sure a normal playdate at the park will do just fine, we also want to help promote some cool activities and spots around our city.

Splatter Studio opened in Atlanta around three years ago, and recently opened a location in Sandy Springs. While I’ve been to Splatter Studio before for my birthday a couple years ago, they now have Family Sundays, where you get a free child ticket with the purchase of one adult ticket. Kids have to be under 13 years old, and you each get to take home your own masterpiece.

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Patti’s Favorite Posts: 2023

My favorite 2023 post was our Treetop Quest playdate review

I was so excited to find this activity and overjoyed at the mental and physical determination our kids displayed. Mary and I could only help or talk to our kids from a distance. We also couldn’t exactly show or model how to do the courses ourselves. They had to assess the situation, work their equipment, motor plan, and overcome a bit of reluctance. Our kids showed true teamwork, were cheerleaders for each other, and it was impressive. Such a proud mom moment. 

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Our Skate Rink Review

For our last playdate review of the year, we wanted to go big. We tried to see if there was a haunted house for little kids to go along with our spooky month, but sadly to no avail. Instead, we landed on everyone’s favorite childhood party venue, the hobby that got a glow up during pandemic, and a skill that is way easier to figure out than ice skating.

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